resonance. harmony. heart.

Hamsa Handpans has been creating professional quality instruments since 2014. Owner/maker Stevan Morris has carved out a reputation as a pioneer of the tuned steel artform and has a deep passion for creating these life changing vessels. We look forward to creating something magical for you!

Pantasia 2024 DATES ANNOUNCED!

May 16-19 we will be gathering in the beauty of Big Bear Lake, CA. More details coming soon!

Every year, a diverse and beautiful bunch from around the globe gather in the serenity of nature to bask in the sounds and love that radiate from these special instruments.

Creating Artisanal Sound Sculptures Since 2014

Los Angeles’ premiere handpan maker, Hamsa Handpans has been at the forefront of this new and evolving art form for over a decade. We put love into every strike of the hammer and strive to create one of a kind works of art

Other Services Offered

We offer tuning services for all brands of handpan instruments on a case by case basis, and have successfully tuned everything to come in our door so far.

We also offer recording studio services, as well as private and group lessons.


About Us

Handmade Instruments Tailored To Your Needs

At Hamsa Handpans, all of our instruments are handmade with lots of heart and soul in each hammer strike.

We would love to craft a one of a kind sonic vessel for you! We offer custom scales and layouts to provide you with a perfect fit.

We also offer custom artwork and finishes, collaborating with some of the most talented visual artists Los Angeles has to offer.

Trust us to create a piece you will cherish and love for a lifetime

We Offer Tuning Services For ALL Handpans!

We do offer tuning services for instruments other than Hamsa Handpans on a case by case basis, and have successfully tuned everything that has come to our door.



We provide professional, fast and affordable custom designs on a case by case basis that matches your specific scales and needs.



We carry a variety of styles and tunings in different scales and designs. Head on over to our shop page for a complete inventory.



We offer tuning services for instruments other than Hamsa Handpans on a case by case basis.We have successfully tuned everything that has come in our shop.



We provide professional, fast and affordable recording studio services on a case by case basis that matches your specific  needs.



We offer private and group lessons. Contact us for current schedule and availability.



Every year, a diverse and beautiful bunch from around the globe gather in the serenity of nature to bask in the sounds and love that radiate from these special instruments. As much as this is a music event, it is also a community event.

Over 10+ Years Reputation for Excellence

We have over 10 years experience creating top-quality handpans for customers all over the world. We grow together with our clients through every custom order that pushes us to new heights. We are dedicated to provide the highest customer satisfaction in the field.


The Hamsa Handpan shop is a one of a kind studio, housing the creative energy of the musical craftsmanship of Stevan Morris. Choosing the right handpan from his collections was an experience in itself. Exploring the sounds of available handpans was a meditative sound session, it was awesome. Each handpan is unique and ready for the perfect owner. Custom orders are available as well. This is a very special musical instrument raising positive frequency and peace. Check his videos online!

Momo Melinda Bernal

Fantastic instrument that impressed all that see it. Stevan does what few others do and that is create a perfect piece for every owner
Justin Cooper

Got the pleasure of receiving the darshan of these magical instruments at Joshua Tree Music Festival this October. Pure transmission of formless into form. Highly skilled and connected practitioner of self and instrument. Thank you.
Valerie Kausen

Great instruments, I really love my Hamsa Handpan!


Matthias Dannenberger


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